
Digital Freedom

StartsWithYouStarts With You

Bitcoiners imagine a future where Bitcoin has obsoleted fiat money, freeing our economy from oppressive central authorities.

But what would it actually be like to live in a world without Big Banks, Big Tech, or Big States controlling our lives?

What can we, as Bitcoiners, do to ensure the Bitcoin future we want?

Synonym is cultivating a Bitcoin future by designing, developing, and bootstrapping an ecosystem of software and services that enable a new peer-to-peer economy and society.


Unlock the Web

The Pubky ecosystem puts users in control by creating a decentralized, customizable, censorship-resistant web experience with Pubky Core, PKARR, and Pubky App.

Pubky changes the way we publish and consume information by applying the concept of a semantic social graph, powered by social tagging and customizable feeds that put users in charge of their online experience.

More about Pubky

Design Principles

Your Keys, Your Data, Your Rules

We apply a set of unique design principles that guides our research and development.

Our core design principle is to strive for a circular economy: elimination of wasteful conversion of value and information.

Explore our tech stack

Bitcoin, not Blockchain

We believe that Bitcoin is the only use case for the blockchain design, and all other competing proposals and mutations are a distraction.

We demonstrate this with our support for the Lightning Network, and continued research on P2P credit systems.


A Credible Exit

Big Tech megacorps are competing to lock people into walled-garden platforms.

We think the web and internet commerce can flourish if re-oriented to users and their keys, by utilizing platforms and protocols that offer a unilateral exit when needed.


Digital Trust

We believe that trust will always be useful and that the most important questions to ask when trusting are “trust whom, and with what?”

We aim to provide tools that help people answer those questions and leverage trust in new intentional, contextual ways.


Design Matters

We appreciate simplicity in both protocol & UI design, believing that complexity ultimately reduces utility if the user has easier ways to solve their problems.

We consider early design and prototyping to be a valid, important aspect of research & development for applications.



We extend the Bitcoin mantra of “not your keys, not your coins” to your data, identity and accounts.

We aim to help users protect, manage, and use their digital value under their own rules.



We are committed to open technology.

Our software is free and open-source under the MIT license, allowing anyone to use, repurpose, audit, or contribute to our products & protocols.

What's New

Catch up on the latest updates.

We are building a range of products and protocols that demonstrate our vision for an open, self-sovereign digital economy. Here are some recent updates!

Discover our products

Pubky App Preview

We recently unveiled details of the upcoming Pubky App, built on Pubky Core. Pubky is a new kind of web where you have control over your online identity, content, connections, and experience.

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Pubky Core & PKARR

The Pubky Core protocol is now open-source, along with related tools for self-sovereign identities & domains with PKARR and Mainline DHT integration.

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Bitkit Now Available

Bitkit is a simple, yet powerful self-custodial mobile wallet powering lightning-fast bitcoin payments. Now available for Android & iOS.

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Lightning On Demand

Our LSP service makes connecting to the Bitcoin Lightning Network easier. Configure & purchase channels directly at, or use Bitkit, powered by Blocktank, to start making instant payments today!

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John CarvalhoCorey PhilipsJason van den BergAldert GreijdanusMiguel MedeirosPhilipp WalterDenys ZaliskylSeverin BühlerPavel (Pav) NikolovJean-C. BusnelFlavio MoceriOvi TrifJames BrowningSHAcollisionTipogiJacoboOliver ToledoJoão Victor Sena Rocha


Building with Bitcoin.

Our international remote team consists of talented Bitcoiners located in 15+ countries across the world. Our mission is to accelerate digital freedom for everyone.

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